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La radio de la communauté de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles

Campus Info Pride Festival (Kika) – lun 14/09/20 @ 17h – Playlist

Nous avons reçu Ruth de la RainbowHouse et Louise & Philippe pour le Crognon qui organise la Closing Pary du festival.


Playlist :
Elisapie – Qanniuguma
Suzy Solidor – Obsession (fr)
Lavascar – Acceleration
Jeanne Added – Air (fr)
Leikeli47 – Mulita
Mila Dietrich & Hobo Noise – Sex Is Work (Mila Dietrich remix)
La Fraîcheur – The Movements

Radia #752 – « Mothers & Daughters » par BNA-BBOT pour Radio Campus Bruxelles – lun 26/08/19 @14h // REDIFFUSION jeu 29/08 à minuit

In the spring of 2018, the temporary lesbian bar Mothers & Daughters opened in Brussels. This opening brought together a community in deficit. In deficit of place, of celebration and of collective rituals. In the wake of this event whose near disappearance made its presence all more precious, Severine Irène V. Janssen X BNA-BBOT recorded testimonies, conversations and sounds. These recordings took place in the bar and outside the bar and resulted in this radiophonic piece.

BNA-BBOT is a Brussels-based organisation dedicated to the past, present and future sound memory of Brussels. Since 2000, BNA-BBOT generates a history and memory of the city through the stories and memories of its inhabitants. We’ve compiled closed to 20.000 items of sound data – witness accounts, snippets of conversations, monologues, songs, soundscapes and raw sounds – that form the history of the city. A kind of documentative experience over a very long course, which is not only intended to capture the voices and sounds that pass, but to also create multiple forms that can be heard and returned to the city. All this, in order to have the city actively rework its living memory, and the memory – both present and future – constantly reworked by the city.

Séverine Irène V. Janssen lives and works in Brussels. She studied philosophy but her passion for the way in which history is conceived, written, commented and transmitted, as well as her interest in memory as a political and aesthetic subject led her to take on coordination for BNA-BBOT in 2009.

Credits music :

Make Your Dreams TelevisionPlanète Concrète

Küss Mich Wund – Planète Concrète

Tropical vibration – Planète Concrète

What I WouldMC Mustaj


Production : BNA-BBOT, 2019

(Curated by Carine Demange & Radio Campus Bruxelles for Radia network)

La chronique LGBT du jeudi : la prostitution lesbienne

Nova Twins – Elephant

Demdike Stare – Curzon

Terminal Cheesecake – The Winding Path

Drab Majesty – 39 by Design

Mansfield TYA. – Mon amoureuse (FR)

Les Trash Croutes – Totale éclipse du coeur (FWB, FR)

Campus Info Q — Jeudi 8 février 2018

Clemix – Je suis fâchée (Fr, FWB)

Ropoporose – Horses

Jessica 93 – Mental Institution

Usé – Respire (Fr)

Arteradio.com : Sex and sounds 2 : La voix des sextoys

Une création de Maïa Mazaurette

Que diraient les sextoys s’ils pouvaient parler ? Nous raconteraient-ils les cochonneries qu’on leur fait subir, protesteraient-ils contre leur condition d’objets sexuels – voire d’esclaves à la merci de nos derniers outrages ? Pas du tout. Parce que certains sextoys ont des voix intégrées, ils nous racontent, en creux, ce que nous aimerions entendre. Attention, ce podcast contient des voix d’hommes gutturales chaudes comme la braise. Et pas mal de vibrations.

Chronique LGBTQI+  : Le porno lesbien

Kevin Chomat – Issue de secours (Fr)

Mademoiselle K. – Fringue par fringue (Fr)

White Hills – A Trick Of The Mind

Campus Info — jeudi 14 décembre 2017

Cloé du Trèfle – Cet air lanscinant (Fr, FWB)
The Magnetic Fields – They’re Killing Children Over There
Colin Stetson – All This I Do For Glory
Astonvilla – Coming Out (Fr, FWB)
Zazie – Adam et Yves (Fr)
Les Ogres de Barback – Jérôme (Fr)
Monis feat. Léa Milh – A nos actes manqués (Fr)
Laurent Boudin – Ostende (Fr, FWB)
Il est Vilaine – Golden Shower (Fr)

Midi Express — Vendredi 25 novembre 2016


Midi Express – Vendredi 25 novembre 2016

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Honeybear

Mickey 3D – Demain finira bien (Fr, FWB)

Ann Pierlé – Il est 5 heures (Fr, FWB)

Louise Attaque – La plume (Fr)

Clément Nourry – Hoedic (FWB)

Midi Express Disquo-Pink – jeu 10/11/16 @ 12h – Playlist


En compagnie des Disqueuses aux sons de tous genres et toutes natures

et de Saskia, Simon et Bruno de l’équipe des Pink Screens !

http://pinkscreens.org/ est ici et Les Disqueuses sont là !

dario moreno – miguelito (fr)
carolina – amor y tortilla
petra pied de biche – boniche (fr)
les trash croutes – célibataire (fr, fwb)
doe maar – PA
zouk machine – maldon (fr)
kenji minogue – luxe vrouw (be)
boney m – gotta go home
le tigre – deceptacon
hot chip – over and over

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