Posté le 20 juin 2013 à 14 h 36 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Podcasts
Étiquettes : creation radiophonique · field recording · framework

this week we welcome a new station to our fold – framework radio is now broadcast in brasilía, brasil on rádio pasagem, a new online radio station focusing on soundscapes curated by lucio haeser. check them out here:
this edition of framework:afield has been produced in the uk, italy, and belgium by felicity ford and valeria merlini in collaboration with students from RITS school of arts in the context of the tuned city brussels 2013 festival, taking place there next week. for more information see:
Posté le 23 juin 2011 à 16 h 14 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions
Étiquettes : field recording · framework
third of a three part framework:afield series produced by jim haynes in san francsico and featuring works for 2011’s activating the medium festival. for more info see
Posté le 12 mai 2011 à 12 h 52 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions
Étiquettes : création sonore · field recording · framework
framework:afield produced in the u.s. by greg o’drobinak, entitled worlds unheard. for more info see

Posté le 5 mai 2011 à 12 h 55 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions
Étiquettes : creation radiophonique · création sonore · field recording · framework
this framework is a regular edition
featuring ernst karel, dan crall, baimudan, andrea ferraris with matteo uggeri, mark vernon with zoe irvine,
and an intro by martin clarke.

Posté le 7 avril 2011 à 19 h 07 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions
Étiquettes : creation radiophonique · field recording · framework
This Framework show features helena gough, eric la casa with seijiro murayama, daniel barbiero and friends, jim haynes, steve barsotti, and an intro by eric boivin.
Posté le 20 janvier 2011 à 16 h 51 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Podcasts
Étiquettes : afield · creation radiophonique · création sonore · field recording · framework
welcome to framework‘s new year! after many, many months of heavy traveling, we’ve finally come home to tartu to settle until at least the beginning of march (which, believe it or not, seems like a long time to stay put). we have some exciting plans for 2011, including, of course, a new series of :afield shows, a new framework cd series, and hopefully some new stations joining the framework fold. the website has recently been revamped and is now up and running, and we will be continuing the task of uploading past shows into the archive. and activity on our facebook page is growing; we hope that people will use it as a bulletin board, posting pertinent info, as both gill arno and zoot zujiva have recently done, for theframework community. if you haven’t already, find it here:
but now on to the show: this edition of framework:afield has been produced in vienna, austria by peter kutin, and features a series of field-recordings he made in greece. for more information on peter’s work, see
Posté le 13 janvier 2011 à 13 h 58 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Playlists, Podcasts
Étiquettes : creation radiophonique · framework
framework radio
our first regular edition of 2011 saw a nice mix of new names and old favorites. we sampled a second track from steve peters downloadable album, the very rich hours, a mix of reworked locations recordings and on-site spoken descriptions of the same spaces. also free downloadable works from anton mobin, cristoph limbach, benfed express, and xesús valle, and well as new composition from marc behrens, and an intro and field recording from joe stevens.
as i’ve been mentioning recently, we’re driving to bump up our donor numbers at the moment. framework is provided freely to any non-commercial radio station who wishes to air it, and streams and podcasts free at all times for all listeners. but the show is a lot of work, and we need listener support to be able to continue! if you’re a regular framework listerner or contributor, please consider doing your part to help keep the show happening. you can make a one-time donation, or, better yet, choose to make a regular monthly donation from the framework website. believe it or not, even €1 a month, if enough of you chip in, will make a big difference! it’s much easier to produce great radio with a roof over our heads!
(time / artist / track / album / label)
00:00 – 03:52 / joe stevens / framework introduction
02:19 – 07:58 / xesús valle / dias enteiros / noites enteiras / alg-a,
04:10 – 11:06 / marc behrens / temple drink vending machine [extract 1] / a narrow angle / entr’acte,
08:32 – 15:00 / steve peters / steve peters / canyons [extract 1] / the very rich hours / [self-release],
12:10 – 20:35 / benfed express / pulau dewata – insel der goetter [extract 1] / – / –
18:43 – 22:43 / joe stevens / crows fighting / – / –
21:55 – 22:55 / anton mobin & christoph limbach / contrasts / international email audio art project 5 / haltapes,
22:37 – 25:58 / xesús valle / noites enteiros / noites enteiras / alg-a,
25:41 – 33:51 / marc behrens / taipei metro easycard 500NT$ [extract 1] / a narrow angle / entr’acte,
29:29 – 35:12 / xesús valle / pierre-luci-gaspar / noites enteiras / alg-a,
35:03 – 42:38 / steve peters / canyons [extract 2] / the very rich hours / [self-release],
37:39 – 51:42 / marc behrens / temple drink vending machine [extract 2] / a narrow angle / entr’acte,
44:30 – 53:07 / benfed express / pulau dewata – insel der goetter [extract 1] / – / –
48:52 – 55:05 / xesús valle / silvia-fred-gaspar-luci-pierre / noites enteiras / alg-a,
52:44 – 57:00 / marc behrens / taipei metro easycard 500NT$ [extract 2] / a narrow angle / entr’acte,