Pour ne plus taire est un cycle de trois pièces sonores composé par Aude Rabillon entre 2019 et 2023, suite au mouvement #Metoo. Elle creuse à faire surgir les silences et les non dits autour des injonctions sexistes et des violences sexuelles et patriarcales que l’on incorpore. S’en faire chambre d’échos, en amplifiant les paroles non entendues et enfouies. Retourner le geste : faire de ce que nous subissons une force pour avancer, une puissance pour agir. Pour ne plus taire.
A l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination des violences à l’encontre des femmes et minorités de genre, nous avons choisi de diffuser 2 des 3 pièces de ce cyle. Nous vous invitons à découvrir la troisième et les autres travaux de Aude Rabillon par ici : Site / Soundcloud / bandcamp
Crédit : Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet
Pour ne plus taire les jours où Parole à voix nue et ses résonances, 24min53 – pièce composée pour le disque « Terre de feu », revue Jef Klak, 2021 Première pièce du cycle Pour ne plus taire
L. s’est emparée du dispositif d’écoute et d’enregistrement que lui a tendu Aude Rabillon pour penser, énoncer, l’inceste qu’elle a subi. Elle perce les couches de silences et fait entendre la violence qui se propage en elle, et qui nous est impartie.
je te raconte / le jour où pour ne plus taire / les jours où pour tenir haut la tête / enfin
j’enregistre les traces / dans tes silences de nos silences / qui restent dans nos corps / de femmes
pour ne plus taire / les jours où
C’est. Et tu n’entends pas comme c’est 21min28, 2021
Cette seconde pièce du cycle « Pour ne plus taire » est une mise en résonance directe de la première. Elle se fait chambre d’échos. Chambre d’échos de la prise de parole de L., énonçant l’inceste qu’elle a subi, mais aussi de toutes celles qui disent les violences sexuelles et sexistes subies. Les écouter engendrent un puissant mouvement introspectif et une force agissante pour reprendre pouvoir : faire entendre les strates de silences accumulées depuis des décennies, les creuser jusqu’à ce qu’elles percent pour laisser jaillir nos colères enfouies.
Je marche sur des sentiers battus C’est plein. Plein de vide et de mots non dits. C’est là. Et tu n’entends pas comme c’est.
Comment les oiseaux migratoire fait leur voyage, la mer d’Irlande et le Océan Atlantique près du Brésil ? D’ailleurs, comment les avion fait leur voyage transatlantique ? Les aile, bien sur, de aluminium ou de plume ; Mais comment piloter ? Si on veut l’entendu, on a besoin de points sur la terre ; les avion se compte sur les contrôle aérien au bord de mer, en Irland, au les Açores, au Canada. Et pour rencontre les puffins des Anglais, on a besoin de passer le nuit dans une de trois petite isles au Pays de Gal.
Connor Walsh a être là en Juin 2018 avec une partie du bénévoles qui faire des recherche sur les puffin des Anglais ; et écouter aussi les avions transatlantique par les ondes courtes; il a prepare cette emission Radia avec le aide du Kika de Radio Campus Bruxelles.
To fly between the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic, is normal for grey wings, be they of aluminium or feathers. The grey feathered wings swim, too, with easy; the aluminium ones try to be like home but never quite can. And to hear them, in sound or radio, we need points on land among the vast ocean; the Azores announces itself as ‘Santa Maria Radio’, which the North Atlantic is termed ‘Shanwick’ or ‘Gander’.
And in pure communicative sound, we landlubbers can need to set foot on the 3 square km island of Skomer; and we need to wait until night falls, before the Manx Shearwaters… before they…
Like passengers in a plane, some shearwaters too are locked away—inside the earth. More about the expedition here.)
Radio Artist : Connor Walsh
for Radio Campus Brussels, with guidance from Carine Demange. www.coffeeflavouredtea.net
Estelle Beugin – Le Bonheur Monté (La Coquille 2018) (fr, fwb)
Dog Faced Hermans – Love is The Heart Of Everything (fwb)
David Eugene Edwards & Alexander Hacke – Parish Chief
GRANDE – Highway
Gablé – Porti
MC Mustaj – De Grote Prijs van Nederland
Gavlyn – Ungrateful Humans feat. Blimes Brixton & Mia Coleman
Gavlyn & DJ Hoppa – Headspace
Astrid Gnosis – Titan (fwb)
Colleen – Holding Horses
Julianna Barwick – Same
Melanie Da Biasio – Your Freedom is The End of Me (fwb)
Emma Ruth Rundle – Forever, as the Setting Son
Tim Dup – Nous sommes (fr)
Isabelle Stragliati – Etre Underground – Sa vie en musique (fr)
Otto Rita – Azul Piscina (Front de cadeaux remix) (fwb)
Isabelle Stragliati – Etre Underground – Une usine au Maroc (fr)
Isabelle Stragliati – Je suis (fr) sur Fair Play One
Anna Raimondo – Arm Wrestling Gender (fwb)
Nos invité-e-s étaient Marthe de Ooooo et Henry de Q-O2 pour parler des labo Crystelling à Constant vzw/Studio, Nadine/Buratinas, W-o-l-k-e/Fe5tiwol et Mothers & Daughters.
A portrait made with the memory of Aless, Caroline, Vera, Christophe, Victor, Ychaï, Eleonora, Pauline, Franco, Vincent, Jole, Paul, Izabella, Héloïse, Arthur, Electra, Susie, Aline.
For the 2017 program at Ifa Gallery Berlin, Saout Radio proposes a sonic travel into the universe of sound art exploring its different possibilities, the richness of its languages and the multitude of its sensuous experience. Traveling from radio and sound art to video and interventions in the public space, the program proposes an understanding of sound as a political and aesthetic contamination, as a delocalised and delocalising practice that, by moving across different geographies is capable of translating there other cultural and mental places. A space that through listening, seeing and sensing calls us to think critically, while creating enriching interactions and exchanges. Starting from the double sense of the word panorama, as a wide view on a speci c subject or scene, but also as on overview on a speci c landscape, “Sonic panoramas” proposes multiple approaches to sonic arts from different generations of artists, for creating multiple aesthetic experiences for visitors and for opening a space of re ection about how sound can translate geographies over and beyond boundaries. In these propositions, becoming sonic, the panoramas will no longer need observers, but participants : subjects, who share and contaminate mental and physical geographies, are thus invited to engage and deconstruct stereotypes for generating expanded forms of geographies and views.
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To be or not to be. Being, becoming. Identity has turned into one of the most politicized and slippery spaces. Philosopher and poet Eduard Glissant recognizes Identity is not a monolith idea.
We are, because we are in relation with the other. Our roots are like the ones of a plant or a tree, they make us grow by the meeting of other roots and they meet like crossing hands.
Guided by these ideas Saout Radio propose one hour immersion in a sonic panorama, exploring the notion of identity through diffe- rent languages and formats, through different sensibilities and voi- ces and also one video screening with the video “Complementare” by Italian artists Bianco Valente.
Radio show on audio art curated by Younes Baba Ali and Anna Raimondo for Saout Radio commissioned by Alya Sebti for Ifa Galery, Berlin
To listen at Ifa Galery from the 30th March to 11th June 2017
Written and edited by Anna Raimondo
Jingle & music selection: Chloé Despax
English translation: Jennifer Herth
Design: Stefan Pollak
Artists: Hannibal Andersen (Dk), Younes Baba-Ali (Ma), Maria Bala- bas (Ro), Youssef Ouchra (Ma), Karen Power (Ir), Anna Raimondo (It), Sama Waly (Eg), carte blanche to Radio Papesse (It)
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Tout le monde s’appelle Mohamed
Younes Baba-Ali (Ma), 1’29’’, 2013
Imagine a sound that could not only be produced but also heard by the listener, a sound he could physically and instinctively react to. Imagine a direct form of interaction based on sound. This is the beginning of this piece, where, in the street, a voice calls “Moha- med”, an exclamation addressed to any unknown male. A frank and brutal call which lls the gap left by the radio medium, where you can only imagine the listener’s feedback.
In the gap
Hannibal Andersen (Dk), 7’21’’, 2014
In my little seat, in this machine made of metal, I am destined to wait while I am being transported towards my destination. I am forwarded, swiftly, yet my body remains still. My senses unfold and sharpen as time and distance collapse in the gap between A and B. There is no letter between A and B, only a gap. And In this gap, I discover the subtle harmonics in the humming of the engine. There is nothing between these harmonics either, except the ever- present background noise, demanding my attention.
Untitled (the stranger, the water and what I am)
Anna Raimondo (It), 1’31’’, 2012
“(…) Anna Raimondo is aware that every de nition is a limitation, a frontier in itself, something that unites but also separates, that can be impermeable. A stranger splashes her at each de nition she declares about herself as a woman, as a feminist, as an italian, as an artist in a metropolis such as london… each water bucket thrown against the performer carries the innocence and violen- ce of games. By the way, being soaking wet, being baptized, are themselves rites of passage, alluding to uidity, instability, perma- nent changeability. The action here aims at approaching one of the thorniest issues of the time: if identity has effectively become the battleground of political confrontation, what should we expect when nding that no space for self-de nition is any longer availa- ble?” by Maria Iñigo Clavo
Sama Waly (Eg), 4’16’’, 2014
A bodiless voice speaks in rst person, in attempt to de ne ‘I’ … When a voice becomes ‘nothing’, in this nothingness is reborn as language, it transforms into a breath, and eventually reaches silen- ce; you have witnessed the existentialist crisis of language.
Glissando Papesse
Radio Papesse (It), 10’, 2016
A journey into Radio Papesse sonic archive in response to Glis- sant’s approach to relational identity.
Letizia Renzini, Bird Listening // Pierre Garnier, Anthropologie, courtesy Mart, Archivio del900, Fondo Denza // James Webb, Le Marché Oriental (Radio Mix) // Joseph Young, Oxford Street Prea- cher // Aurélie Lierman, Kariakoo // Alessandro Bosetti, Life Expec- tation // Dj Spooky, System Error: Al-Yamamah Mix // Arto Lindsay, Multinatural [Blackout], Sounds from the parade // Alyce Santoro, Gargles in the rat-race choir // Ann Heppermann, Kara Oehler & Jason Cady, Chorus of Refuge // Derek Piotr, Dust_Hum // Adam Leech, Speech Bubble // Falke Pisano, 29 decisions for a time capsule radio piece // Damir Niksic, If I wasn’t muslim
Expiration récurrente
Youssef Ouchra (Ma), 2’33’’, 2013
Breath out, breath out again… Breath out in search of a limit. Fill in the creases. A bag full of breath. Whisper in the veins. Breath the va- cuum in and breath out, and breath out again. A regular exhalation.
Limitele Limbii Mele
Maria Balabas (Ro), 28’41’’, 2015
Ludwig Wittgenstein’s text is the starting point for this artistic ap- proach. I wished to research empirical the semantics which this phrase can receive through the simple translation from one langua- ge to another. For this, I used the social media and the foreign lan- guages departments of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation. O used every recording people sent me and the result is this colla- ge in which Wittgenstein means not only translation, but different intonations, multiple recording mediums, an invisible international community connected through the very simple response to the question “How would you translate in your language the limits of my language mean etc etc…”
Fried rice, curried chips and a diet coke
Karen Power (Irl), RTÉ , 10’32’’, 2008
In recent times, I have become very interested in using the sound of words and syllables as musical material. I wish to draw on Trevor Wishart’s view in support of my approach to words and language in the context of this piece. ‘I am going to propose that words never ‘mean’ anything at all. Only the people ‘mean’ and words merely contribute toward signifying peoples’ meanings