Posté le 12 septembre 2022 à 0 h 01 min
· Rangé dans: Podcasts
Étiquettes : BNA BBOT · creation radiophonique · Radia
Le 24 février 2022, BNA-BBOT a lancé une nouvelle plateforme sonore comprenant, outre un ensemble de projets artistiques menés sur le territoire de la ville de Bruxelles, une base de données, une carte sonore et une radio : Radio tout-le-temps. Radio tout-le-temps est une webradio qui diffuse en permanence, et de manière aléatoire, des fragments de la base de données de BNA-BBOT, mais qui peut aussi faire l’objet d’une programmation ou d’une curation plus spécifiques. Elle constitue une plateforme ouverte à laquelle peuvent participer les citoyens, les artistes, les organisations. La base de données de BNA-BBOT contient 26.000 fragments sonores. Personne, nulle part, n’a écouté l’ensemble de la collection qu’elle abrite. Pour tout écouter, un individu devrait y consacrer 1.458 heures soit approximativement 61 jours et nuits, sans interruption. Radio tout-le-temps offre à cette collection sonore un lieu de partage et de narrations spontanées, créées à partir des mises en relation aléatoires de récits isolés, lesquelles forment alors un récit nouveau.
On February 24, 2022, the Brussels organization BNA-BBOT launched a new sound platform including, in addition to a set of artistic projects carried out on the territory of the city, a Database, a Sound Map and a Radio: Radio tout-le-temps. Radio tout-le-temps is a webradio that broadcast continuously random fragments of BNA-BBOT’s database, but can also be programmed or curated in a more specific way. It is an open platform in which citizens, artists and organisations can participate. Our database contains 26,000 sound fragments. No one has ever listened to the entire collection it houses. To listen to it all, an individual would have to devote 1,458 hours to it, or approximately 61 days and nights, without interruption. radio tout-le-temps offers this sound collection a place for sharing and spontaneous narratives, created from the random linking of isolated stories, which then form a new narrative.
Posté le 26 août 2019 à 14 h 23 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Podcasts
Étiquettes : archives · audibility · BNA BBOT · creation radiophonique · documentaire · lesbiennes · lgbtqi · mémoire orale · Mothers & Daughters · queer · Radia · radio art

In the spring of 2018, the temporary lesbian bar Mothers & Daughters opened in Brussels. This opening brought together a community in deficit. In deficit of place, of celebration and of collective rituals. In the wake of this event whose near disappearance made its presence all more precious, Severine Irène V. Janssen X BNA-BBOT recorded testimonies, conversations and sounds. These recordings took place in the bar and outside the bar and resulted in this radiophonic piece.
BNA-BBOT is a Brussels-based organisation dedicated to the past, present and future sound memory of Brussels. Since 2000, BNA-BBOT generates a history and memory of the city through the stories and memories of its inhabitants. We’ve compiled closed to 20.000 items of sound data – witness accounts, snippets of conversations, monologues, songs, soundscapes and raw sounds – that form the history of the city. A kind of documentative experience over a very long course, which is not only intended to capture the voices and sounds that pass, but to also create multiple forms that can be heard and returned to the city. All this, in order to have the city actively rework its living memory, and the memory – both present and future – constantly reworked by the city.
Séverine Irène V. Janssen lives and works in Brussels. She studied philosophy but her passion for the way in which history is conceived, written, commented and transmitted, as well as her interest in memory as a political and aesthetic subject led her to take on coordination for BNA-BBOT in 2009.
Credits music :
Make Your Dreams Television – Planète Concrète
Küss Mich Wund – Planète Concrète
Tropical vibration – Planète Concrète
What I Would – MC Mustaj
Highway – Grande
Production : BNA-BBOT, 2019
(Curated by Carine Demange & Radio Campus Bruxelles for Radia network)
Posté le 29 novembre 2013 à 18 h 49 min
· Rangé dans: Playlists
Étiquettes : Anneessens · BNA BBOT · bruxelles nous appartient · documentaire · tango

Moullinex feat Peaches – Maniac
Des extraits des audio-guides présentés à Anneessens jusqu’au 14 décembre.
Le tango de … enregistré à Anneessens !
( le morceau est reparti avec Séverine de BNA ! si vous voulez le réentendre, dites nous ! : )