Lysergic Factory – DJ Morpheus – 27/08/2019
Morpheus-lysergic factory play list du 27/8/2019 :
1.five seasons-“blue trail”
2.emily a.sprague-“synth 3”
3.alphonse-“moan up”(ambient mix)
4.eno-“the end of a thin cord”
5.conrad Schnitzler&Schneider TM-“requiem für leia“
6.shigeto first-„saturn return“
7.robag wruhme-„advent“
8.lulu gainsbourg&scarlet johansson-„bonnie and clyde“( a serge gainsbourg cover)
9.takayuki shiraishi-“dark sea”
10.albrecht la`brooy-“afternoon carafe”
11.erik wollo-“under water”
12.mort garson-“ode to an African violet”
13.mndson-“ggardenn”feat. Pink siifu
14.kapitan Alaska(aka dori sadovnik)-„sendi“
15.pride(aka david axelrod&m.t axelrod)-“in the wilderness”
16.terrapin-“cirrus minor”(the black frame extract)(a pink Floyd cover)
17.kit Sebastian-“mantra modern”
18.anatolian weapons feat. Seirios savvdis-“to the mother of gods”
19.the godfather of god/a hardy fox(of the residents) ripe tribute compilation/
-cult with no name-“I hate heaven”
20.hardy fox-“the bather”
21.hardy fox( from nachtzug soundtrack)-“gestern wird zu morgen“
22.coil-„love`s secret domain“(from love`s secret demise demos cd)
23.thom yorke-“twist”
24.pere ubu-“road is a preacher”
25.blaine l. reininger-“el dilemma del vampiro”(from the road movie-mädchen in koffer(and other results) soundtrack
26.vanishing twin-“language is a city(let me out)”
27.fay shapiro-“lama hit`ahavti”
28.dennis young-“somerset hills”
30.billy Mackenzie with b.e.f-“free”
33.damon locks&black monument ensemble-“from a spark to a fire”
34.neville brothers-“brother jake”
35.james brown-“dance, dance, dance to the funk”
36.mandrake paddle steemer-“the October country”
37.the accent-“red sky at night”
38.psychedelic porn crumpets-“digital hunger”
39.the seeds-“you took me by surprise”
40.station 17-“st. pauli der hat heute geburtstag“
41.the golden filter-„autonomy“
42-naked lunch-„breath“
43.cortex-„mind of darkness“
44.enzo kreft-„biometrics“
45.zig zag-„ca s`arrange pas“
46.yoko hatanaka-„more sexy“
47.marie davidson-„work it“(soulwax rmx)
48.manfredas-“mind machine” feat. Bozzwell
49.phil Kieran&douglas mccarthy-“fall rise”
50.haruomi hsono-“sports man”
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