Posté le 28 juillet 2011 à 17 h 17 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Information Générale, Playlists
Étiquettes : agenda culturel · campus info · chanson · EBM · electro · electro-pop · folk · funk · new wave · playlist · pop · synth-pop
Avec des volailles amusantes, mais aussi :
HARUO MINAZAWA : kimi no naka
ROOGALATOR : I feel good (I got you)
CATHY CLARET : les roitelets
PERE DIDIER : ça n’comptera pas
CIELO : vamos a caminar
RUMMELSNUFF : Donnerbolzen
ARNOLD TURBOUST : c’est bien ma veine
ARNICA : urogallo
BAMBY : someone is driving
YAS KAZ : shinran
HOMO FUTURA : die Welt von Heute
QUARKS : besser
HERMINE : noir noir noir
PHONOPHANI : end of all things
DINKY : miles away
BRIGITTE FONTAINE : les Dieux sont dingues
avec des bises…..
Posté le 26 juillet 2011 à 18 h 32 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Information Générale
Étiquettes : cinéma · conspiration · dvd · electro
avec :
Accusée levez vous ! (pathé, classique)
La main du Diable (Gaumont)
et notre pause musicale :
MUERAN HUMANOS : Leones en China
à la prochaine…….
Posté le 26 juillet 2011 à 17 h 39 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Information Générale, Playlists
Étiquettes : agenda culturel · ambient · cabaret · campus info · cantate · do it yourself · EBM · electro · electro-pop · electro-punk · folk · neo-folk · new wave · playlist · pop · prog-rock · synth-pop
Du haut du palmier, prenant son envol, mais aussi :
TUXEDOMOON : atlantis
SINISTER DUCKS : march of the sinister ducks
SUPER SISTER : she was naked
GARY NUMAN : she’s got claws
YOKO ONO : O’sanity
RICET BARRIER : la java des hommes grenouilles
LARS FALK : kings and queens
SPECTRA PARIS : stille Nacht
PEACH : on my own
GOSE : beaucoup de police
MOMUS : the hairstyle of the devil
HERMINE : blue angel
HARUOMI HOSONO : windy land
QNTAL : anc non lo vi
A GETHSEMANI : quelques fées et les enchanteurs
MARC ALMOND : deaths diary
PASSAGE : competition
SIGUE SIGUE SPUTNIK : Hey Jayne Mansfield superstar !
KLANGWERK : Klangwerk
et des bises
Posté le 25 juillet 2011 à 17 h 36 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Information Générale, Playlists
Étiquettes : agenda culturel · campus info · contemporain · EBM · electro · electro-pop · funk · funky · garage · hip hop · jazz · mambo · new wave · playlist · pop · psyché · ska · spoken words · synth-pop · technopop · yé-yé's
Les sangsues ne font pas des méduses, les nouilles ne font pas des lasagnes, mais encore :
THE JUGGERNAUTS : my first million
JEANETTE : seguire amando
OTIS WATKINS : you talk too much
YELLO : I love you
STEVE ARRINGTON : the jammin’ national anthem
LEANAN SIDHE : samain night
AROMA DI AMORE : NV verdriet
ARNOLD TURBOUST : a little bit
THOMAS D. : uns trennt das Leben
SVÄNG : tango de la Albuelita
REHBERG : 1000 Gründe
MICHAEL SCHIEFEL : Lennie’s pennies
CLEO : Madame la terre (et ron, et ron….)
MOONDOG : Logrundr in D opus 76 n°21
THE PANCAKES : oopla hopla
ANNETTE PEACOCK : nothing ever was, anyway
WORKSHOP : woodsy rotation
et des bises……..
Posté le 23 juillet 2011 à 21 h 41 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Information Générale, Playlists
Étiquettes : amour libre · chanson française · cimetière imaginaire · coldwave · crooner · dandy- pop · disco · electro · electro-disco · electro-pop · érotique · francophone · french bird · gothic · house · humour · Les Nouvelles Hybrides · lounge · minimal wave · mix · new wave · nocturne · nouvelle pop française · Novo · playlist · pop · rose bonbon · synth-pop · techno · technopop · trip hop · vocoder
Finalement plus varié que prévu, avec :
DIE FORM : a case report
ARNE VINZON : raison pure
REGRETS : je ne veux pas rentrer chez moi seule
ARNOLD TURBOUST : j’en parlais pas
CELLULOÏDE : et si….
TESS : grain de folie
OUTSIDER : on s’est aimé qu’importe
DORIAND : la machine à laver
ROBERT : goutte de pluie
UBIK : get no B side for mister Hyde DJ
DIE FORM : poupée mécanique
POSITION PARALLELE : je reviendrai
ZAHIA : notre amour sent l’ail
ALAIN CHAMFORT : les majorettes
JULIETTE : la vie en noir
PEPPERMOON : un coin tranquille à Shibuya
KATERINE : je m’en vais
ZOËLIE : lolo
DOMINIQUE DALCAN : une épée dans le dos
ROBERT : je me suis dévêtue
INES PERE : j’adore
JEAN FRANCOIS COEN : chez moi c’est chic
ATLANTIQUE : les objets de plastique
LUNA PARKER : tes états d’âmes…Eric
OLIVIER ANGELE : adulez-moi
CAROLINE ELOY : décode-moi
ARIELLE DOMBASLE :à la néandertal
JADICE HÖLSEN : le play-boy des canettes
MARGO : la Laumette
OTTO : monde moderne
TOKOW BOYS : petite rockette
BERTRAND BETSCH : un mot de trop
LEILA ALBAYATI : à cause du because
ARNOLD TURBOUST : la machine à sous
EMILIE SIMON : le vieil amant
LES CIVILS : voisineries
MIKADO : ce garçon là
RUTH : tu m’ennuies
proposé par EG/Derek Sein
contact : hvalmitdereksein
à la prochaine
bises aux nounours et attention aux ruptures du flux d’énergie positive!!!!!
Posté le 23 juillet 2011 à 17 h 50 min
· Rangé dans: Actualités des Emissions, Information Générale
Étiquettes : chanson française · cimetière imaginaire · electro · electro-pop · francophone · Les Nouvelles Hybrides · minimal wave · mix · new wave · pop · rose bonbon · technopop
Bonsoir à vous, chers mélomanes nocturnes !
Ce soir, à 20h30, le cimetière imaginaire vous propose un mix un peu plus en roue libre que les quelques précédents…
Nous allons donc essayer d’être pop, electro-pop, technopop aussi à la française et plutôt 80’s…
Mais autant vous le dire, nous aurons quelques recours à des come-back, à des survivants et à l’un ou l’autre artiste au son volontairement rétro, puisque les sonorités de ces 80’s tant décriées par certains pense-petits , sont une fois de plus en position de revival.
Nous serons donc français à hauteur de 98% ce soir, et tenterons de rester électronique, flirtant à la fois avec les rivages de la new wave, du Növö, du rose bonbon, de la « Nouvelle pop française » etc…etc…..
Que ce cimetière imaginaire francophone vous régale, avec sa grosse dose de bienvenue subjectivité !!!!
Proposé par Derek Sein/EG
Merci de votre attention.
P.S. : J’envoie un salut solidaire aux familles des victimes de l’horrible fait qui a touché la Norvège , mon pays de coeur et celui de ma quatre fois arrière grand-mère…
Posté le 22 juillet 2011 à 17 h 58 min
· Rangé dans: Information Générale
Étiquettes : carte blanche · funky · hip hop · mix · new school · old school · techno

Freddy Fresh is among the most active and prolific American underground dance music artists, having released more than a hundred records on dozens of different labels worldwide . Born and bred in St. Paul Minnesota, Fresh’s name is more often associated with the London UK scene, to which he relocated in the late ’90s after having top 40 chart success with 2 of his songs. Fresh’s first record label was formed in late 1992 and was called Analog Recordings. His label empire then grew to include a host of sub labels (Analog UK, Butterbeat, Electric Music Foundation and then Socket and Boriqua labels) In addition to a growing stateside audience, Fresh is also one of the few contemporary non-Detroit techno/electro musicians to have a strong European following, and his records for Experimental, Harthouse, and Martin « Biochip C » Damm’s Anodyne label have strengthened his international presence. Although Freddy’s release history has included tracks in just about every style from hip-hop and house to techno and trance, his roots and most consistently pursued affectation lay in electro and breaks; his records thrive on buzzing modular analog noises and resolutely dirty production techniques, resulting in a distinct, instantly recognizable brand of funky, minimal, somewhat experimental dance music. Although Fresh grew up a gothic rock/new wave junkie, a trip to the « boogie down » Bronx in 1984 introduced him to the thriving NYC hip-hop scene. Instantly smitten, Fresh began collecting DJ tapes (Shep Pettibone, The Latin Rascals, Marley Marl, anything he could get his hands on) and, of course, records — everything from Jonzun Crew and Newcleus to Liquid Liquid and Cerrone, Shannon and Cat Stevens — and his collection has since grown to thousands of phonograph records(making his side gigs as a DJ a bit easier). Fresh’s first work behind the boards came via Bronx legends Boogie Down Productions, with Fred remixing a track for a B-side release and from there, Freddy began piecing together a studio, collecting many of the ancient analog and modular synthesizers that give his records their distinct, almost studio-jam feel (he mixes all his tracks live and sequences with an MPC 2oooXL and an MPC 4000 and uses rare pre-midi analog synths and modular systems). In 1992, after releasing debut singles on Nu Groove and Silvo Tancredis’ Experimental imprint, Fresh established his first label, Analog, to release his own tracks. The label and its offshoots have since attracted such weighty names as Thomas Heckman, Tim Taylor, Cari Lekebusch, DJ Slip, the Bassbin Twins, and Biochip C. In 1995, Fresh inked a contract with noted German techno label Harthouse, and his second full-length, Accidentally Classic, was released by the label’s U.K. arm in late 1996, with a Harthouse U.S. reissue following close behind. His third album, The Last True Family Man, followed on Harthouse Eye Q and spawned 2 international chart hits along with a song featuring Fat Boy Slim. Several singles and a mix album followed until the release of his next full-length, Music for Swingers in 2001. Additionally, Fresh has released records through Wisconsin-based acid stronghold Drop Bass Network, Labworks, and noted German electro label Electrecord. Fresh also formed a collectors label specializing in 45 RPM singles called Howlin’ Record in the year 2000 and has since released over 35 singles and 4 full length CD’s on the Howlin’ imprint with the following titles.. « Have Records Will Travel », « Outstanding In His Field », « Diggin’ Up Ghosts » and « Surrounded By Funk », as well as Howlin’ Greatest Hits. Freddy has also revamped his Electric Music Foundation label for a CD only full length releases debuting with the album called « Textura » these recordings center around electronic synthesized music and electronica while the Howlin’ releases are more funky breaks and party style hip hop tracks. In 2004 Fresh released a reference book dealing with the history of the early independent old school rap scene that catalogues every conceivable rap label from 1979 to 1989, this book has been featured in The Source, Vibe, The New York Times, Village Voice and has gone on to win journalism awards in the United States and has been recognized as the only reference book on this subject. The book is called Freddy Fresh presents The Rap Records (Nerby Publishing LLC). Freddy recently released the brand new updated Freddy Fresh presents The Rap Records Revised 2nd Edition a mammoth book with over 740 pages and more than 2,500 color photo’s available on this sight. In 2007 Freddy and MC Conductor Crucified began a new label called Stark Raving Records which features conscientious hip hop by St. Paul rapper The Conductor Crucified which of course features Fresh’s trademarked beats and production styles. This CD can be purchased at Fresh’s music has also enjoyed commercial success with releases featured in films like Austin Powers Goldmember, Jackie Chan’s Tuxedo and commercials by Adidas, Budweiser and Coors Lite etc.. Fresh also tours regularly and has DJ’d in over 34 countries and has performed for televised programs MTV Canada, Club TV, S2, House Viva TV, Club Spain etc.. and over 300 radio programs throughout the world including 2 sessions for the legendary late John Peel of famed Radio One BBC England. Fresh is currently managed by Electronic Publicity Management in London and Holland as well, you can contact for booking information. Fresh can be contacted at, or More information on Freddy Fresh can be found in The Guinness Book of British Hit Singles (UK), The Rough Guide to Techno (Penguin Books UK), All Music Guide to Electronica (Backbeat Books USA), All Music Guide to Hip Hop (Backbeat Books USA) and Downloader’s Music Source Book 20,000 of the World’s Best Songs (Carlton Press)